Mumineen Audio is a repository for audio media pertaining to the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim Community, followers of the 54th Dai al-Mutlaq Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, and as such, its use is strictly limited to community members only.
Disclaimer: This site does not intend to infrige on the intellectual property rights of any individual or organization. If you or your organization are the owners of any content posted on this site and would like to have it removed, please contact the webmaster. Also, this site does not intend to take any credit from the producers of the content it provides. Thus, if you are the owner of any content on this website and would like to be creditted accordingly, please contact the webmaster and we will be glad to add your information in the ID3 tag of the content file.
For feedback or comments, feel free to contact us.
-Abde Syedna (TUS)
Update: 21 September 2017 / 1 Muharram al-Haraam 1439
For Ashara, added Marsiya from Fatemi Dawat
Update: 17 September 2016 / 16 Zilhaj al-Haraam 1437
More audio files from Fatemi Dawat
Update: 10 May 2015 / 22 Rajab al-Asab 1436
Added audio files from Fatemi Dawat
Update: 7 August 2011 / 8 Ramadan al-Moazzam 1432
Added Volumes: 100 Madeh & Saut ul-Imaan Vol. 33
Update: 26 May 2011 / 23 Jumada al-Ukhra 1432
Namaaz Times for iOS (iPhone) has been released
Update: 3 April 2011 / 29 Rabi al-Aakhar 1432
Added Madehs for Meavi Milad Mubarak: Yeh Salgirah Ho Tujhe & Ye Sowi Hai Milad. Also added some Marsiyas: Hussain Imam Ka Gham & Mazloom-e-Karbala Par.
Update: 12 August 2010 / 3 Ramadan al-Moazzam 1431
Added Sanaa for Shehrullah
Update: 28 June 2010 / 17 Rajab al-Asab 1431
New content added: Saut ul-Imaan Vol. 31 & Vol. 32, Hizbe Vajihi (Karachi) Vol. 2 and miscellaneous content from Hizbe Burhani (Sharjah) & Hizbe Husami (Karachi).
Update: 21 June 2010 / 10 Rajab al-Asab 1431
A Namaaz Times app for your Android phone. iPhone version coming soon.
Update: 7 March 2010 / 22 Rabi al-Awwal 1431
We have continued to have some bandwidth issues for the last 2 months and we ask you to be patient while we work through the issues. Almost every month, we exceed our bandwidth quota of 200 GB and the site performance may become intermittent when this happens. We hope to have these issues resolved soon.
On another note, we have received lots of feedback recently; for new audio content, for new features and just as general appreciation. We might not be able to reply to every email but rest assured, all emails are received and read. As for new content requests, I would like to remind our visitors that the site administrators have no control over what content is produced and freely distributed by reciters. Your requests are noted but unfortunately, we currently have no means of fulfilling them.
Also, we updated the site layout and have added a few new features: upload new content and submit feedback straight from your browser. From the Upload Content page, you can select and upload any audio file, under 30 MB, directly to the server. If you want to upload multiple files, they will have to be done one at a time. The file will still need to be verified, processed and converted in the right format before it will be added to our database but the webmaster will be notified of your upload so they will begin that process soon after you upload. From the Contact Us page, you can submit your comments and feedback to us conveniently.
Update: 29 December 2009 / 13 Muharram al-Haraam 1431
This has been one of the busiest months for the site, and we apologize for the bandwidth issues that you may have experienced. The site was shutdown for over a day since we hit our bandwidth cap for the month. Luckily, this was soon after Ashura so the site was up during the 10 days of Ashara. Hopefully, bandwidth pitfalls such as these will be avoided in the future.
To give you an idea of how busy it was: we exceeded 250 GB of transferred data this month. That averages to slightly over 2000 mp3 files served / per day.
Update: 15 December 2009 / 29 Zilhaj 1430
Added the new Marsiya tasneef'ed by Moula (TUS) and first recited during Kun Safar: Abkika Moulayal Hussain
Update: 3 December 2009 / 17 Zilhaj 1430
More updates to the flash player
- Added a download button in the playlist so you can download mp3s straight from there
- Added move up, move down and delete buttons so that you can customize your playlist on-the-fly
- Added keyboard shortcuts.
- Space = Play/Pause
- . = Next
- , = Previous
- Added a 'save playlist' option. Playlists are saved as a URL that is automatically copied to your clipboard when you press the save button. To play a playlist, simply paste the link into you're browser's address bar. Playlists are completely portable - a playlist generated on one PC can be played on any other PC. All the information is stored in the URL and you can even email the playlists to other people.
- Space = Play/Pause
- . = Next
- , = Previous